Dental Services
Franklin Park Dental provides comprehensive and general dental services to patients of all ages. Our friendly and experienced staff will guide you toward the finest treatment and best dental experiences.
Getting Ready
Nitrous oxide, or happy gas, is available at Franklin Park Dental. It is a form of conscious sedation, which means the patient is always awake but feels very relaxed in an environment which could otherwise seem stressful. Bring your music and pair up with Bluetooth headphones to really feel mellow.
Local anesthesia is accomplished using the Wand by Milestone Scientific. It is a computer assisted anesthetic delivery system which can significantly reduce patient anxiety while providing profound anesthesia. It is a wonderful way to have dental treatment performed and walk out of the
office to continue the day without the collateral numbness that can hinder the desire to resume normal activities. It also allows the patient to schedule longer visits, if desired, to have procedures performed in multiple areas of the mouth rather than necessitating multiple visits.
High magnification and the use of bioactive restorative materials help to allow Dr. Tropinski to diagnose and treat cavities with conservative bonded fillings that are resistant to the formation of recurrent decay at the margin or edges. The materials used enhance reduced sensitivity following the placement of fillings and crowns or bridges.
FREE for new patients
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